Sensory Support For Teens and Young Adults

From managing academic life, to navigating social dynamics or entering the workplace for the first time, our teenage years and young adulthood can be an exciting but difficult time. At the Sensory Store, we understand that sensory tools are not just for children and that they can play an important role in supporting emotional regulation, […]

How to know if your Child has Autism

Watching your child grow and learn is a wonderous thing, but how do you know when should you be worried about their behaviour or development? Signs of Autism can develop in children from a young age, and while many children experience some of these issues, there could be cause for concern if your child is […]

NDIS Order Form

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Terms & Conditions
This NDIS form constitutes a Service Agreement between the participant and the Sensory Store, a registered business name of Nepean Area Disabilities Organisation.